What our clients said about us?

The staff were friendly and went out if there way to help at anytime. A truly wonderful dinner at the Hotel's Restaurant, we will return!

— Amanda corey

Hotel overall was smart, comfortable and different - because of its age and location. Swimming pool was a great way to unwind after a long drive.

— Factory nn (@facnnteam)

This is one of the best hotels I've ever stayed in Kerala both location and value for money wise. Very stylish and an excellent location for all major attractions nearby.

— Big daniel mont

The staffs at SPS Kingsway were very friendly and we can expect services from them at anytime.And too I feel a truly wonderful dinner there

— Sonia

I feel SPS Kingsway is a hospitality highness hotel that offers comfort, refinement and more that will make us stay unforgettable. It is a ever best place to rest and relax

— David Roy

Wow!! I enjoyed an amazing experience at Hotel, SPS Kingsway. Really as its name suggest, I guarantee that its really a business class hotel in overall region of Kerala.

— Venkat

Heads to Kingsway @ Trivandrum. I had an excellent dinner with my friends at Kingsway which brought me a nostalgic taste on foods which I had in my childhood

— Neenu Hari

In overall the hotel was smart, comfortable and different - because of its location near to highway and International airport. In more, the rooms at SPS KW were really fantastic

— Madhav

This is one of the best hotels I've ever stayed in Kerala both location and value for money wise. Very stylish and an excellent location for all major attractions nearby.

— Xavier D K


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